Wessex Primary School
Wessex Primary Schools is located in Maidenhead, England. It currently has around 450 pupils on roll and takes in children both in infant nursery school and primary age.
The school, like many of the schools hosted on MyTopSchools is open to viewings from parents if arranged in advance. The head teacher in a notice on the school's website states that the school aim's to create an environment for children that is healthy, nurturing and also forward thinking in terms of technology and teaching methods.
The school has a house structure in place, promoting good behaviour for pupils in years 1 through 6. There is a head boy and head girl in place, a structure usually reserved for senior schools only. The houses which children belong to work on a points system, rewarding pupils for good behaviour and punishing them (with point removal) for bad behaviour. Good behaviour is rewarded with golden time and trophies at the end of the school year.
Good news assemblies are regular features at Wessex Primary, where certificates for achievements in class are presented to pupils by their teachers.
Pupils can be admitted to the school from 4 years old, applications should be submitted by November in the previous year at the earliest.
You can find the schools contact details below:
Address: St Adrians Close, Cox Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3AT
Phone: 01628 626724
Email: [email protected]
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